"Aphrodite" Candle

"Aphrodite" Candle


A divine pink candle with roses, heart confetti glitter, and the sweet heavenly scent of sugar, vanilla, caramel, cookies and everything PINK!! It's so pretty to display on your vanity and will make your home smell like Aphrodite's Heaven!

Roses are a symbol of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. In Ancient mythology the rose is a symbol of love and adoration and Aphrodite is often portrayed with a crown of roses around her head. The rose is considered “The Queen of all Flowers” and Aphrodite named it so in honor of her son Eros, the God of Love.

Size: 5-6 oz

Key Ingredients: 100% Soy Wax, Glitter, Botanicals, Rosebuds.

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